“Family is family, whether it’s the one you start out with, the one you end up with, or the one you gain along the way.”
Here's the thing; children live in families. This means that if one family member is struggling, it's likely everyone is being impacted in some way. We offer family therapy to help address the impact that everyone's struggles may have on one another. There is a way to live together well. But everyone needs to be willing to take a look at their role and come to an agreement on the best way to coexist so that the family as a whole can be healthy and safe. We often will do individual therapy with kids along with family therapy. It can be really hard for kids to change when the family system stays the same. Everyone has to shift to a new way of doing things together. Family therapy can look like so many different things. It could be parent and child together, siblings together, or the whole family all in one room figuring it out. We work with all members of the family to make sure the environment stays safe, stays fair, and everyone is feeling heard so that a new way forward can emerge.
To learn more about our services and how we can best help you, please Contact Us today to schedule an initial appointment.